Bienvenidos a Edén 2022 TV Series - Photo Gallery
Zoa (Amaia Aberasturi) y otras cuatro personas, con gran actividad en las
redes sociales, reciben una invitación a una fiesta en una isla secreta
organizada por algún tipo de bebida. Allí comienzan una misteriosa aventura
preguntando "¿Eres feliz?". Quienes aceptan la invitación comienzan una
emocionante aventura, al darse cuenta de que cambiará sus vidas. Aunque poco a
poco descubrirán que el cielo no es lo que parece.
Genre: thriller television series, action television series, mystery
Written by: Guillermo López Sánchez
Directed by: Daniel Benmayor
Casting: Amaya Salamanca, Amaya Abrasori, Belinda, Anna Mina, Joan Pedrola,
Albert Barrow
Country: Spain
Channel: Netflix
First broadcast on May 6, 2022
Main cast
- Amaia Aberasturi as Zoa Rey Gómez-Fajardo, a girl who goes on an adventure when going to a party.
- Belinda as Africa Penati Guerra, a girl who goes to the Foundation party, an influencer known as Afrilux.
- Tomy Aguilera as Charly Escudero, one of the boys who goes to the Foundation party to forget about past traumas.
- Diego Garisa as Ibón Arregui, one of the boys who goes to the Foundation party to find himself.
- Berta Castañé as Gabi Rey Gómez-Fajardo, Zoa's sister, whom she searches tirelessly.
- Albert Baró as Aldo Roig Muro (season 1), one of the boys who goes to the Foundation party and who suspects Astrid's intentions.
- Lola Rodríguez as Mayka, a tech-addicted girl who is very loyal to Astrid.
- Guillermo Pfening as Erick, Astrid's husband and founder of the Eden Foundation.
- Blanca Romero as Roberta Gómez-Fajardo, mother of Zoa and Gaby.
- Begoña Vargas as Bel, a tough and enigmatic girl who lives in Eden.
- Sergio Momo as Nicolás "Nico", a funny boy who goes deep into the Foundation.
- Ana Mena as Judith (season 1), Zoa's best friend, with whom she goes to the Foundation party.
- Berta Vázquez as Claudia (season 1), a woman who has been in Eden for a long time and who connects with Zoa.
- Irene Dev as Alma, a girl who sees herself reflected in the ideals of the Foundation.
- Alex Pastrana as Ulises Gracia Delgado (season 1), a cold and unforgiving boy who will do anything to get what he wants.
- Joan Pedrola as Orson, an Eden worker very loyal to the Foundation.