At that time, Muhammad, whom Firoz loved like his brother, also returned from the army. Muhammad's look at Fairuz did not escape the public's attention.

On the other hand, Kagan was thoughtful about his life full of secrets.

The only place Kagan was happy was next to Firoz.

Kagan, who hides his name and introduces himself as a driver, but has a dark side, rides a bike with Firuz.

Firoz and Kagan had a great time at the amusement park.

The couple, who rode bumper cars and got married to perfection, became close for the first time at the end of the night.

After that, everyone returned to their own world. Fayrouz by bus...

With a Cagan...

Fayrouz to the house where she lived with her siblings...

Kagan is next to his 5-year-old wife.